Sunday, November 16, 2008

Presidency=No more BlackBerry

When Barack Obama takes office he will do so without one of his most prized possesions: his BlackBerry. Throughout his campaign Obama's BlackBerry has never been far from his side, in fact normally it was attached to it (by his belt). But that will change when he assumes his role as President. An article in the New York Times describes Obama's use of his BlackBerry and e-mail. He must give up his BlackBerry for security reasons and also because of the Presidential Records Act. The Presidential Records Act puts the president's correspondence in the official record and in public review. Throughout the campaign Obama relied on his BlackBerry to stay in touch with friends and keep informed on current events. His briefing books were sent to his Blackberry, or if too long, to his laptop. According to friends, his messages were crisp, properly spelled and free of emoticons. Obama will no longer be allowed to e-mail once he becomes President. Obama is not the first president that will deal with the loss of this important technological advancement; three days before inauguration President Bush sent this message," Since I do not want my private conversations looked at by those out to embarrass, the only course of action is not to correspond in cyber space. This saddens me. I have enjoyed conversing with all of you." During meetings in which BlackBerrys had to be placed in the center of the table Obama could be caught sneaking glances at his. 
Last week in class we talked about how our society has become increasingly dependent on technological devices, even the future President has developed a BlackBerry addiction.  I was surprised to learn that the President was not allowed to send e-mails, although this makes sense from a security standpoint,  it is very inconvenient. I also found it interesting that Obama would get distracted by his BlackBerry in meetings, just like many people are distracted by their phones in class or while talking in a group. It is sad that he must give up something that has been so useful to him, but it is a small sacrifice for being the leader of our nation. 


Chip_P said...

What I can't believe is that everything the President has ever sent to someone has to be in public view. I'm going to side with Obama and the rest of teenage America. We NEED our phones! I think that the use of a blackberry shouldn't be taken away, because it actually keeps him MORE informed, and MORE "on the job". If he had 24 hour use of his blackberry, he could continue to work even while he's not working. it is the same for my dad when he is on vacation. He is always on his blackberry. This way, he can be with his family while he is providing for them.

Bari-F said...

I am caught in the middle here... I think it is silly and slightly stupid that the President must share everything with America, I mean, that takes away from privacy rights... but I do think Blackberrys are over the top. I know what it's like to have a dad who's constantly on it and it is so aggravating. I dont think they should be used in a family setting, but I think it's pretty darned important for work. Though I understand security threats with it.